
  • Does your child struggle with anxiety and stress?
  • Are you worried about your child’s lack of confidence?
  • Do your child’s sleeping problems affect the whole family?
  • Does your child put a lot of pressure on themself to achieve?
  • Is your child’s behaviour tipping you over the edge?
  • Has a family dynamic disruption made your child angry or withdrawn?
  • Is it breaking your heart to see your child miss out due to an irrational fear?

Having a happy, healthy child is what every parent wishes for so when your child faces unexpected emotional difficulties or poor mental health, it can become very stressful and all-consuming. Addressing these issues early before they become the norm for your child in later life is key.


NLP and hypnotherapy in Cardiff can support your child to overcome their emotional challenges.


How many times do you think to yourself….


“Things weren’t as complicated as this when I was a child!”


Life seems to have become very complex for young people, with peer pressure and social media challenging their mental health and wellbeing more than ever before and as a parent, it is easy to feel helpless when a child is struggling with emotional challenges.



“Is my child just being naughty? Or is there something else going on that is affecting their behaviour?”



More often than not, a change in a child’s behaviour has been triggered by an incident or emotional challenge which feels too overwhelming for them to unravel themselves.

This is where I can help! 

I am a licenced NLP and Hypnotherapy Practitioner, specialising in working with children and young people in Cardiff. If you are not familiar with Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), this is a talking therapy, similar to CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy). NLP offers techniques to help clients understand their thought processes, replace negative thought patterns with more positive ones, which in turn will influence behaviour and responses to life challenges.

During a 1-1 therapy session, which can take place online or in a beautiful location in the centre of Cardiff, I will work with your child to understand the challenges that they face and empower them with tools that they can continue to use as they grow. In order to ensure your child feels comfortable talking to me and you understand how the sessions will work, it is important that we get to know each other and I understand what difficulties your child is experiencing so I can plan the most effective sessions for them. I therefore offer a free online consultation for yourself and your child, which will take place in advance of booking a 1-1, face to face therapy session in Cardiff.