
Sep 11 2024

As a parent, it’s natural to want the best for your child and when they struggle with anxiety, it can be both confusing and distressing. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a condition that manifests as excessive worry and anxiety, significantly impacting daily life. While some level of anxiety[…]

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Aug 5 2024

Anxiety is often driven by our inner thoughts – what we say to ourselves in certain situations and how we say it. When someone experiences anxiety, it can feel as though these thoughts – our self-talk is a separate entity and we have no control to stop it,[…]

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Jul 3 2024

School refusal is a concerning issue that affects many children and families. At its core, school refusal is when a child refuses to go to school or has significant difficulty attending on a regular basis. This can manifest in a variety of ways – a child may outright[…]

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Jun 5 2024

As parents, we have an instinctive desire to protect our children and keep them safe. However, an excessive fear of separation, known as separation anxiety, can hinder a child’s natural development and emotional wellbeing. This debilitating condition affects both children and teens, causing significant distress and impacting their[…]

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Apr 17 2024

In the United Kingdom, the pressure on children to perform well in exams has been a long-standing issue. The intense focus on academic success, coupled with high expectations from parents and schools, has led to a significant rise in exam-related stress among children and young people. The Impact[…]

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Mar 13 2024

A good night’s sleep is essential for a child’s overall health, well-being and mental health. However, many children experience sleep issues, including insomnia, which can disrupt their sleep patterns and impact the entire family. The following information will explore child sleep issues, focusing on insomnia. It discusses the[…]

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Feb 7 2024

Childhood anxiety is a prevalent mental health issue that affects millions of children worldwide. According to recent studies, approximately 10-20% of children experience anxiety symptoms at some point during their childhood. Left unaddressed, anxiety can significantly impact a child’s emotional well-being, academic performance, and overall development. However, with[…]

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