1-2-1 Sessions

Working with children on a one to one basis can help identify the route of the

issue they are experiencing and together we can develop and practice

strategies to overcome it. As every child is unique, I offer a range of

NLP techniques as well as hypnotherapy to ensure I provide the most

appropriate support for each young person. I specialising in helping

children with a range of issues including :


  • Anxiety
  • Building confidence
  • Sleeping problems
  • Exam stress
  • Fears and phobias
  • Resilience
  • Behaviour
  • Concentration
  • Friendship issues
  • Emotional challenges
  • Communication Skills


Below are some examples of type of challenges parents contact me about:



  • Does your child excessively worry about every day situations?
  • Are they often restless or fidgety?
  • Does your child say that they regularly feel sick, have stomach pain or a tight chest?
  • Do they actively seek to avoid certain activities or places?
  • Does your child struggle to sleep?


Sleeping Problems

  • Does your child have difficulty falling asleep?
  • Are they frequently waking during the night?
  • Is your child experiencing nightmares or night terrors?
  • Do you struggle to get your child up for school in the morning due to fatigue?
  • Does your child feel sleepy and have low energy during the daytime?


Fears and phobias

  • Does your child have an intense and irrational fear of specific objects or situations?
  • Is your child missing out on social activities to avoid facing a fear?
  • Does your child experience physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling or rapid heartbeat?
  • Is there persistent distress or impairment in social, academic or every day life?



  • Is your child displaying aggressive behaviour towards peers, siblings or authority figures?
  • Are they refusing to engage in school-related activities?
  • Do you see frequent tantrums or emotional outbursts?
  • Does your child have difficulty making or maintaining friendships?


Low self-esteem/Lack of confidence

  • Is your child always criticising themself or their abilities?
  • Is there an excessive focus on perceived flaws and mistakes?
  • Do they avoid new challenges or new activities due to fear of failure?
  • Does your child withdraw from social activities or have difficulty making friends?
  • Do they constantly seek approval from others?




If any of this sounds familiar and you are worried about your child…